Are Air Purifiers Effective Against Dust and Dust Mites?

Are Air Purifiers Effective Against Dust and Dust Mites?
Air purifiers are a befitting solution for indoor air quality compromised with smoke, dust, bacteria and other pollutants. Though there is hardly any doubt over their efficiency in eliminating pathogens and other pollutants, the question remains if it can help you with dust removal. Let’s find out the answer.
Dust makes your home ugly and also triggers the problem of asthma and allergy. Dust allergy is very common in people. It does long-term damages to one’s lungs, especially in the childrenand the adults. Your indoor air is not immune to it as dust infiltrates in through several openings such as, doors, windows, ventilators etc. The more surprising and shocking fact: indoor air is 2-5 times more polluted than outdoor air.
Air purifiers can effectively filter out the offending particles from your room by trapping up different kinds of pollutants including dust. But before you go and grab a product, let’s examine how effective an air purifier is in working against dust.
Check the Label
Read the fine prints on the label that is pasted on every air purifier packaging. Every brand talks tall about their product. You will see some claiming thattheir product can remove up to 99.99% of viruses and dust. At this point, you need to understand that the science behind how an air purifier works is anything far from being simple.
HEPA air purifiers are hugely popular these days. HEPA actually refers to a kind of high-quality filter. HEPA is a short form of High Efficiency Particulate Air. It can remove up to 99.97% of airborne particles and pollutants of at least, 0.3 microns in size. Hence, they can effectively work against all the familiar kinds of pollutants including pollen, dust, bacteria and mold.
These are finer particles and most of them are less than 2.5 microns in size. If not removed, they maycreate health issues, both short-time and lingering, in the residents.
Each type of filter is designed to address some particular problems though all of them do the basic works. For example, carbon filters are better designed to deal with odours and particles than dander and dust.
Hence, air purifiers with HEPA technology seem to have better luck eliminating dust from your indoor air. Still, you should have other actions in place for dust filtration. Proper ventilation is important to keep your indoor air fresh, clean and pure.
Though dust is often held responsible for allergy problems, dust mites are the real instigators. These are tiny creatures and as same as dust particles in their size. They live on the dead human skins in beds, furniture and carpets.
Though air purifiers fight off different particles present in indoor air, they are unable to eliminate all the offending particles from a room, especially those taking shelters in floors and furnishings or burrowed into the walls. Hence, buy air purifier but you should always make sure to have other options in place along with an international-grade purifying system. Health is wealth; so, any compromise on that front won’t be an example for others to emulate.