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How to choose an Air Purifier

Avizo - Buying guides - Tips to choose best air purifier

Indoor air quality can be worse than the outdoor air

Indoor air quality can actually be worse than the air outside – as the WHO states  that benzene, carbon monoxide, formaldehyde, naphthalene, nitrogen dioxide, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (especially benzopyrene), radon, trichloroethylene, and tetrachloroethylene have indoor sources, are known for their hazardousness to health and are often found indoors in concentrations of concern to health.

If you are among the 20-28 million asthmatics in the country. If you have children in the house, with underdeveloped immune systems, making them particularly susceptible to air borne pollutants. If someone in your house is pregnant. If your house/ office is in a construction zone. If you have a pet in the house, you need an air purifier.

What You Can’t See in Your Indoor Air May Be One of the Biggest Threats to Your Health

With the possibility of over 1,500 invisible and potentially toxic substances contaminating your air space right now, isn’t it time you took control over what you’re breathing?

The Air We Breathe

  • The EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) states that indoor air can be 2 to 5 times (and even uptoo 100x ) more poluted than outdoor air.
  • Most people take approximately 21000 breathes per day
  • People spend approximately 90% of their time indoors.
  • When you sleep, your body does not ‘fight’ particles as actively as it does when you awake.

Choosing an Air Purifier

The problem is that as consumers we don’t really know enough about these products to make a good decision when it’s time to buy one. We’d go a step further and suggest you a model that fits your requirement.

Filtration –


The air purifier should have a HEPA filter, since HEPA is a standard which is tested and certified to eliminate 99.97% of common airborne allergens sized at 0.3 microns and larger, so it ensures that you’re getting something that actually works. Air purifiers with HEPA filters are regarded as the most effective air purifiers.

Apart from HEPA, choose a model with Pre filter as it captures large particles like hair, dandruff, coarse particles and fine dust.

Activated carbon Filter can powerfully absorb and solidify as well as crystallize further removes toxic substance such as benzene and other unusual odor smells. It can also stop secondary pollution caused by thermal desorption of pollutants.

 Considering the area of the room in which you want to use air purifier, find an air purifier with a recommended coverage area at least 1.2X to your room size. Check the coverage area information in the air purifier’s specification details. The filtration capacity needs to be matched to the room size, typically measured in square feet (multiply the length and breadth in feet).

CADR (Clean Air Delivery Rate) value
A high CADR means quick circulation of the air and faster and more air purification. The CADR shows you how much air is coming out of the purifier and how fast it is cycling the room air. An ideal model should change the air in the room at least four times per hour. Otherwise, you’re not going to be breathing clean air.

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